Thursday, January 29, 2009


The World's Easiest And Most Effective Money Management System
  1. FINANCIAL FREEDOM ACCOUNT (10%) - for saving and investment to generate more money
  2. LONG TERM SAVINGS FOR SPENDING (10%) - for an expensive item like going for holiday or buying a plat-screen LCD TV
  3. NECESSITIES ACCOUNT (55%) - for all your daily expenses
  4. EDUCATION (10%) - for investing on your own or children education
  5. GIVE ACCOUNT (5%) - for contributing to others
  6. PLAY ACCOUNT (10%) - for celebrating your success

Source - NST

Thursday, January 8, 2009

doa qunut nazilah untuk palestin ... !!!

Terjemahan Qunut Nazilah ;

" Ya Allah, kami letakkan Kamu di batang leher musuh kami, dan kami berlindung denganMu dari kejahatan mereka. Ya Allah leburkanlah kumpulan mereka, kacau-bilaukan persatuan mereka, cerai-beraikan pakatan mereka, goncangkan pendirian mereka, hantarkan anjing-anjing kamu ke atas mereka, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Perkasa, wahai Tuhan Yang Bersifat Murka, Ya Allah (3x), wahai Tuhan Yang Menurunkan Al-Quran, wahai Tuhan Yang Mengarakkan Awan, wahai Tuhan Yang Menewaskan Bala Tentera Ahzab, kalahkan mereka, menangkanlah kami ke atas mereka "
### Sama-samalah kita berdoa untuk keselamatan teman-teman di palestin. Amin.


Employee commitment comes from ;
  • Your ongoing relationship with your employees
  • Your management style and that of your organisation
  • Your coaching skills
  • Your own commitment to coaching and to your employees

To generate commitment you must demonstrate your own commitment. Your commitment to coaching - remember the benefits.

For you ;

  • A more successful and productive department
  • Greater confidence when delegating tasks to your employees
  • Development of your own management skills
  • A growing reputation as a 'developer of people'
  • Less time-consuming firefighting, allowing you to spend more time on your own developement

Source - Coaching for Your Employees / Nancy Stimson / Kogan Page